Riana Lynn, FoodTrace

Founder: Riana Lynn Company Description: Technology platform that uses big data and small business user profiles to link food distributors, local farms and specialty food manufacturers with wholesale food buyers. Company Site: http://thefoodtrace.com/; Twitter Date of Interview: February 2015 Riana Lynn is the CEO and Founder of FoodTrace, a software company that provides digital discovery…
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Dan Novaes, MobileX Labs

Founders: Dan Novaes, Kiran Panesar Company Description: Creating easy-to-use tools and applications to help others grow their mobile presence Company Site: http://mobilexlabs.com/; Twitter; Facebook Date of Interview: January 2015 Dan Novaes is the CEO and Co-founder of MobileX Labs. He loves to create businesses – and is one of the few people in their 20s…
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Eliad Inbar, Tangiblee

Founders: Eliad Inbar, Yevgeniy Kuznetsov Company Description: Interactive software that adds size, look and feel context to online retail shopping Company Site: http://tangiblee.com/; Twitter Date of Interview: December 2014 Eliad Inbar is the co-founder of Tangiblee. He came to Chicago last summer after Tangiblee was accepted to the 2014 class of Tech Stars. Eliad believes he is…
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Throw Back Thursdays (March 2015)

On making an impact: “The power of the meal helps the community.” – Jay Savsani, Meal Sharing “Wake up and ask yourself, ‘What are you doing today?’ Are you on a path where you are inspiring others and enabling others to to be more awesome at whatever they’re trying to do? If not, time to…
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Steven Dyme, Flowers for Dreams

Founders: Steven Dyme and Joseph Dickstein Company Description: On demand, socially conscious, artisan flower service Company Site: https://www.flowersfordreams.com/; Instagram; Twitter; Facebook Date of Interview: February 2015 Steven Dyme is the CEO and Co-founder of Flowers for Dreams. Its aesthetic is quite dreamy, and they actually contribute to dreams by donating a portion of each bouquet’s proceeds…
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Sarah Press, Project Fixup

Founders: Sarah Press and Jason Skicewicz Company Description: An online dating service that focuses on the offline experience Company Site: https://www.projectfixup.com; Twitter; Facebook Date of Interview: January 2015 Sarah Press is the Co-founder and CEO of Project Fixup. She has always been passionate about entrepreneurship and bringing people together. She believes in “getting offline as…
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Corbett Drummey, Popular Pays

Founder: Corbett Drummey Company Description: Marketplace for products or cash in exchange for posting about brands on Instagram Company Site: http://www.popularpays.com/, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Date of Interview: December 2014 Corbett Drummey is the founder and CEO of Popular Pays, an online marketplace that connects local businesses and major brands with the influential Instagrammers of the…
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Ross Petersen, Blitsy

Founders: Ross Petersen, Ryan Petersen, Katy Weade, Ab Fadel Company Description: Online arts and crafts retailer Company Site: https://blitsy.com/, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Date of Interview: December 2014 Ross Petersen is the CEO and co-founder of Blitsy. He comes from an ancestry of entrepreneurship and has deep industry knowledge through the family business and his own…
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Throw Back Thursdays (Feb 2015)

To kick us off, a quote about February: “January is always a good month for behavioral economics: Few things illustrate self-control as vividly as New Year’s resolutions. February is even better, though, because it lets us study why so many of those resolutions are broken.” – Sendhil Mullainathan, Professor and Author On committing to a…
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Deepak Goel, KarmaCircles

Founder: Deepak Goel Company Description: Karma Circles is an online peer-to-peer knowledge sharing platform. Company Site: http://www.karmacircles.com/ Date of Interview: January 2015 Deepak Goel, KarmaCircles Art by Charles McNally Deepak Goel is the founder of KarmaCircles, an online peer-to-peer knowledge sharing platform. He believes in creating bite-sized opportunities for “structured giving” and contributing to the…
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