Aaron Frazin, Charlie App

Founder: Aaron Frazin Company Description: Application that researches the people you are scheduled to meet with and sends you insight briefings before your meeting Company Site: https://charlieapp.com; Facebook; Twitter Date of Interview: January 2015 Aaron Frazin is the co-founder and CEO of Charlie App, an online application that compiles research and sends you a summary…
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Shannon Downey, Pivotal Production

Founder: Shannon Downey Company: Pivotal Production Company Site: http://www.pivotalchicago.com/; Twitter Company Description: Pivotal Production is a marketing strategy firm that combines traditional and new media Date of Interview: January 2015 Shannon Downey is the CEO and founder of Pivotal Production, a marketing strategy firm. She is also the creator of Badass Cross Stitch and the…
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Jeremy Balboni, Brooklyn Boulders – Chicago

Founders: Jeremy Balboni, Lance Pinn Company Description: Hybrid urban rock climbing, fitness and co-working facilities Company Site: http://brooklynboulders.com/chicago/, Facebook, Twitter Date of Interview: December 2014   Jeremy Balboni, Brooklyn Boulders Art by John Rose Jeremy Balboni is the CEO and co-founder of Brooklyn Boulders. He and his team have brought “the beauty of new fitness”…
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Throw Back Thursdays (Jan 2015)

Introducing Throw Back Thursdays, a monthly recap of favorite quotes from interviews published in a previous month. On what inspires: “I’m driven by passion. That’s what gets me excited, that’s what gets me up every morning. It’s totally random – it touches my heart and I become passionate about it.” – Jimmy Odom, WeDeliver On moving from…
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Raj Karmani, Zero Percent

Founder: Rajesh Karmani Company Description: Zero Percent is a technology platform that connects food retailers with food charities to donate and pick-up food surplus in a simple, reliable and safe way. Company Site: http://zeropercent.us/, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Date of Interview: November 2014 Raj Karmani came to the United States from Pakistan to study Computer Science….
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Jay Savsani, Meal Sharing

Founder: Jay Savsani Company Description: Online platform that brings hosts and guests together over home-cooked meals around the world. Company Site: mealsharing.com, Twitter, Facebook Date of Interview: November 2014   Jay Savsani  used to build startup MVPs for other people’s dreams. “When people ask me if Meal Sharing is my first startup.. I’m like, ‘It’s…
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Neal Sales-Griffin, Starter League

Founders: Neal Sales-Griffin, Mike McGee Company Description: Starter League is an immersive, beginner-friendly programming school. Company Site: http://www.starterleague.com/, Facebook, Twitter Date of interview: November 2014   Neal Sales-Griffin is the CEO and co-founder of Starter League, a first-of-kind innovative and immersive programming school in Chicago.  For Neal, the motivation, journey and vision of Starter League…
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Tiffaney Florentine, Trodo

Founders: Tiffaney Florentine and Kara Albert Company Description: Trodo is a health and wellness company that is creating functional fitness communities through corporate wellness programs, youth programs and league events. Company Site: trodo.org, Facebook, Twitter Date of Interview: November 2014 Tiffaney Florentine is a military vet, an American Gladiator contender, a CrossFitter and a certified…
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Mike Garg, Gozent

Founder: Mayank “Mike” Garg Company Description: Technology platform that streamlines the rental application processing life cycle Company Site: https://www.gozent.com Date of interview: October 2014 Mayank “Mike” Garg is the founder of Gozent, an on-line rental processing platform. He moved to the US from Delhi, India in January 2009 to study at Purdue University and moved to Chicago after…
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Shivani Jain, FitnessCubed

Founders: Arnav Dalmia, Shivani Jain, Ryota Sekine Company Description: FitnessCubed makes Cubii, an under-desk elliptical trainer with the goal of fighting the sitting disease common in today’s working lifestyle. Company Site: http://www.fitnesscubed.com/, Twitter, Facebook Date of interview: October 2014 Shivani Jain is the Chief Marketing Officer and one of three co-founders of FitnessCubed. While doing…
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