Katie Hench, Infiniteach

Founders: Katie Hench, Christopher Flint, Lally Daley Company Description: Infiniteach is developing autism solutions through technology and training. Company Site: http://infiniteach.com/, Facebook, Twitter Interview Date: November 2014 Katie Hench is one of the 3 co-founders of Infiniteach, a company dedicated to changing the approach in Autism education through tools like SkillChamp, an education software that allows for…
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Claire Lew, Know Your Company

CEO: Claire Lew Company Description: Software that helps you learn something new and important about your company every week. Company Site: https://knowyourcompany.com/ Date of Interview: November 2014 Claire Lew is the CEO of Know Your Company. Claire and I talked for a good 20 minutes before I even asked her a real question. Turns out we both…
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Jeremy Klein, Table Savvy

Founder: Jeremy Klein Company Description: Last minute restaurant reservations Company Site: https://www.tablesavvy.com/ Date of interview: October 2014 Jeremy Klein is the original founder and member of the co-founder trio at Table Savvy. Jeremy grew up in Cleveland, went to Indiana University and did his MBA at DePaul in Chicago and is (that’s right, still is) a…
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Lauren Katzberg, TheStylisted

Founders: Lauren Katzberg and Julia Carmona Company Description: Online platform that allows women to book in-home hair styling and makeup appointments from a network of vetted beauty professionals. Company Site: https://www.thestylisted.com/ Date of interview: October 2014 Lauren Katzberg is part of the co-founding duo at TheStylisted. After graduating from college, she went the management consulting route…
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Jimmy Odom, WeDeliver

Founder: Jimmy Odom Company Description: WeDeliver brings on demand delivery to neighborhood businesses. Company Site: http://www.wedeliver.us/ Date of interview: October 2014 Jimmy wasn’t my first interview, but I wanted to lead with him for a few reasons. Firstly, because it was this coffee date that gave me the idea of the site name. But other…
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