Throw Back Thursdays (June 2015)

Dan Novaes, Katlin Smith, Rianna Lynn, Eliad Inbar

“You just need to be consuming all the time. If you don’t have an appetite for continuing to grow and learning all the tools that are making businesses better, then it’s going to be hard to survive. If you really find a project that you are passionate about, I think the appetite will develop because you really want to impact that area and see your brain child grow. If it’s not there, then you’re probably not passionate enough about that issue or subject. The passion drives that appetite. If you don’t feel it, you might be misaligned about what you think you’re passionate about.” – Rianna Lynn, FoodTrace

“What gets me excited is that I can get to a certain point where I have increased my network with the leaders of the world and society, and can create something much larger. I just want to challenge the norm of what people do. I want to create a new way of investing in people – especially those who don’t have the opportunity that I had.” – Dan Novaes, MobileX Labs

“I don’t think everyone has to be gluten-free necessarily. People find different things that work for their bodies. I do think that people do better when they eat less sugar and less processed foods. Many times, gluten is accompanied by processed foods and refined sugar. It’s better to say you’re going to eat a diet of simple natural ingredients versus to just be gluten-free.” – Katlin Smith, Simple Mills

“Most of it is the ride – I don’t know how the ride will end. You have to enjoy the ride because it is one hell of a ride.” – Eliad Inbar, Tangiblee


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