Stuck at Home (2020)

(Documented for myself to commit to daily, for hosting Zoom workout classes during gym closure, and to share with friends who needed ideas)

Covid Pandemic Workout Journal – March to Dec 2020

I miss the gym. I have my body, a jump rope, and a single dumbbell.  Here’s what I’ve been doing. Habits are everything. (May equipment update: I now have two dumb bells, and a bar bell with 65#, 75#, 95# options. Jul equipment downgrade: no more barbell, just dumb bells. awaiting back-ordered sandbag. Jul equipment upgrade: 50# sandbag + plyo box; Oct downgrade: no more plyo box but access to an outdoor rig!; Nov downgrade: indoors with dumbbells only)

Tues, Dec 29

A) 5X: 5 scap pull ups + 5 hanging leg lifts + 10 jumping lunges


  • 50 lungesters + 400 m run
  • 40 lungesters + 400 m run
  • 30 lungesters + 400 m run

C) 2X

  • 1 min flutter kick
  • 1 min super man
  • 1 min hip dips
  • 1 min v ups

Mon, Dec 28

A) warm up pace, 5X:

  • 3 L-sit pull ups
  • 5 empty bb squat cleans
  • 200 m run

B) 5X

  • macho man complex
  • 400 m run

C) 3X- :30/:15

  • hollow hold
  • superman hold
  • knee to nose
  • hip dip (R plank)
  • hip dip (L plank)

Sun, Dec 27

A) OTM for 20

  • 5 push ups
  • 10 sit ups
  • 15 air squats

B) 3X – :30/:15

  • rotating planks
  • 1/2 v-sits
  • cross body mountain climbers
  • candle sticks

Sat, Dec 26

A) OTM for 5: 10 push ups + 15 air squats

B) OTM for 20 / 5 rounds through

  • 1 min devil presses
  • 1 min lungesters
  • 1 min shuttle runs
  • 1 min rest

C) 8 min AMRAP

  • 10 v ups
  • 10 plank walk outs
  • 10 side reaches
  • 10 seated leg lifts

Fri, Dec 25

A) OTM for 10: 10 burpees

B) 12 days of Christmas style

  1. man maker
  2. devil press
  3. front squat
  4. clean + jerk
  5. thrusters
  6. v-ups
  7. hand release push ups
  8. pistols
  9. burpees
  10. lateral jumps
  11. OH squat
  12. run a lap

Thurs, Dec 24

A) 2X: single db

  • 10 OH walking lunges
  • 10 thrusters
  • 10 single leg deadlifts

B) 50 burpee + thrusters, EMOM 5 hand release push ups

C) 2X, :40/:20

  • mountain climbers
  • hollow holds
  • plank walk ups
  • super mans
  • windshield wipers

Wed, Dec 23

A) 3X: 10 strict press + 10 single leg dead lift (each side)

B) OTM for 5: 50 double unders

C) 3X: run one lap with sandbag, run one lap without sandbag

D) give up b/c it’s raining and mom is talking to you

Tues, Dec 22

A) 5X5 back squat

B) 5X:

  • 10 cal row
  • 10 pull ups

C) 5X:

  • 10 power cleans
  • 10 push jerks

D) Row intervals

  • OTM 6 – :20 on/:40 off
  • OTM 4 – :30 on/:30 off
  • OTM 2 – :40 on/:20 off

Mon, Dec 21

A) OTM for 20

  • Odd – 5 front squats
  • Even – 5 strict pull ups

B) AMRAP 20 mins

  • 5 toes to bar
  • 10 thrusters
  • 15 burpees
  • 200 m run

Sun, Dec 20

back in HTX. order sushi.

Sat, Dec 19

Tried to do 100 burpees, but got a noise complain in the hotel

OTM 10: 10 push ups + 15 air squats

Thurs, Dec 17

A) 3X: 10 strict press + single leg dead lifts (each side)

B) 50 lungesters for time

C) 9 min AMRAP

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 v-ups
  • 10 plank walks
  • 10 side reaches
  • 10 seated leg lifts

Wed, Dec 16

2X: 30 alternating OH lunges + 20 renegade row + push up + 10 clusters

2X: :40/:20

  • mountain climbers
  • hollow hold
  • plank walk ups
  • super mans
  • windshields

Tues, Dec 15

50X: 5 push ups + 10 sit ups + 15 air squats

Monday, Dec 14

A) 3X: 10 split lunges each side + 10 curl and press each side

B) 100 burpees, EMOM 10 air squats

Sunday, Dec 13

50-40-30-20-10 of snatches, thursters, situps

<some snowboarding?>

Saturday, Dec 5

  • 200 m sandbag run/200 m sandbag walk
  • 40 db snatches
  • 10 renegade row + push up
  • 200 m sandbag run/200 m sandbag walk
  • 40 db clean and jerks
  • 10 renegade row + push up
  • 200 m sandbag run/200 m sandbag walk
  • 40 db thrusters
  • 10 renegade row + push up

Thursday, Dec 3

10 rounds:

  • 10 deadlifts
  • 5 hang squat cleans
  • 20 sec rest

6 min AMRAP:

  • 6 burpees
  • 12 crunch + twist
  • 18 walking v ups

Tuesday, Dec 1

5 rounds of 3 min AMRAP:

  • 3 clusters
  • 6 push ups
  • 9 air squats
  • 1 min rest

3 rounds: :30/:15

  • rotating planks
  • 1/2 v-ups
  • cross body mountain climbers
  • candle sticks

Monday, Nov 30

20 rounds:

  • 5 burpees
  • 4 pistols
  • 3 thrusters

9 min AMRAP

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 v-ups
  • 10 plank walkouts
  • 10 side to side reaches
  • 10 seated leg lifts

Sunday, Nov 29

5 rounds:

  • 10 devil presses
  • 10 thrusters
  • 200 m sandbag run/200 m sandbag walk

2 rounds: :40/:20

  • mountain climbers
  • hollow rocks
  • plank walk ups
  • super mans
  • windshield wipers

Saturday, Nov 28

Muddy hike with Jess and Joel

A) 3 rounds: 8 pull ups + 8 pistols (ea. leg)

B) 3 rounds: 10 ring dips + 6 hamstring curl .. things

C) 3 rounds: 6 ring rows + 10 push ups

D) 4 rounds, :20/10

  • v ups
  • hollow twists
  • super mans
  • hip dips

Friday, Nov 27

A) 10 rounds, every 3 mins:

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 push ups
  • run
  • (~:30 -:40 secs rest inbetween)

B) 5×10 ring rows

C) only made it to 3 min on my plank hold

Thursday, Nov 26

10 rounds:

  • 15 db thrusters
  • ‘400’ m run

all the pies and cheese

Wednesday, Nov 25

A) 3 rounds: 10 single leg DLs ea. side + 10 goblet squats + 5 strict press ea. side

B) 50 db hang clusters for time

C) cash out, not for time

  • 50 lunges
  • 25 sit ups
  • 40 lunges
  • 25 sit ups
  • 30 lunges
  • 25 sit ups
  • 20 lunges
  • 25 sit ups

Tuesday, Nov 24

A) 3 rounds: 10 strict press + 10 split lunge

B) metcon

3 rounds:

  • 16 db squats
  • 16 burpee jump overs

2 min rest

4 rounds:

  • 12 db squats
  • 12 burpee jump overs

2 min rest

5 rounds:

  • 8 db squats
  • 8 burpee jump overs

C) 4 rounds :20/:10

  •  b ups
  • super mans
  • hip dips -right
  • hip dips – left

Monday, Nov 23

4 rounds:

  • 20 double db
  • 20 devil presses
  • 2 min rest

Sunday, Nov 22

  • 100 burpees
  • 100 sit ups
  • 100 push ups

EMOM 10 air squats

Saturday, Nov 21

A) 4 rounds: 10 ring rows + 5 strict ring dipts

B) 4 rounds (2 rds each leg, single db): 10 split lunges + 10 single leg dead lifts

C) 10 rounds: 5 man makers + ~ 300-400 m run

Friday, Nov 20

Go on a jog

Thursday, Nov 19

(Zachary Tellier hero wod)

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 burpees
  • 25 push ups
  • 10 burpees
  • 25 push ups
  • 50 lunges
  • 10 burpees
  • 25 pushups
  • 50 lunges
  • 100 situps
  • 10 burpees
  • 25 push ups
  • 50 lunges
  • 100 sit ups
  • 150 air squats

Wednesday, Nov 18

50 bear complexes (sandbag), every minute do 5 burpees

4 rounds: 20 v-ups + 20 super mans

Tuesday, Nov 17

double db: 10 rounds, every 2 minutes do 4 db snatches

  • 5 push ups
  • 10 front squats
  • 15 dead lifts

5 rounds: 20 flutter kicks + 20 sprinter sit ups

Monday, Nov 16

(in hotel parking lot)

A) I go, you go: 5X5 man makers

B) 8 rounds, every 2 minutes, with 1 min rest in-between each round

  • 16 db snatches
  • max shuttle runs

Friday, Nov 13

  • 50 double unders
  • 50 dead lifts
  • 50 thrusters
  • 50 sit ups
  • 50 burpees

Sunday, Nov 6

4 rounds:

  • 12 push press
  • 18 back squats
  • 12 burpee jump overs
  • 12 push press
  • 18 front squats
  • 12 burpee jump overs
  • 1 min rest

Sunday, Nov 1

15 min amrap:

  • 20 sandbag walking lunghes
  • 5 man makers
  • 50 double unders

Saturday, Oct 31

double db

  • 25 deadlifts + 25 burpees
  • run
  • 25 squat cleans + 25 burpees
  • run
  • 50 snatches + 25 burpees
  • run
  • 25 thrusters + 25 burpees
  • run

Core: 4X, :30 on/ :30 off

  • V-ups
  • twists
  • super mans
  • hip dips
  • glute bridges

<period of reduced documentation>

Sunday, Oct 25

A)20 mins to build up to medium heavy 5 rep back squat

B) Every 3 minutes, for 5 rounds:

  • 12 cal row
  • 8 squat cleans (115#)

Saturday, Oct 24

A) 5..4..3..2..1 – snatch tech

B) 10 rounds:

  • 10 KB snatches – R, then L
  • 10 hip extensions
  • 10 pull ups
  • 10 sit ups
  • 10 box jumps

Friday, Oct 23

  • 40 devil presses
  • 40 lungesters
  • 40 renegade row + push up
  • 40 v-ups

Wednesday Oct 21

7 min amrap (w/ sandbag)

  • 5 squat cleans
  • 10 burpee over bag
  • 15 thursters

Rest 3 mins

  • 100 double unders
  • 20 devil press
  • 100 double unders

Tuesday, Oct 20

A) 3 rounds

  • 5 single leg DL (R/L)
  • 5 strict press (R/L)
  • 10 goblet squats

B) 5 rounds

  • 5 man mkers
  • run down street/back

C) cash out: 2..4..6..8..10

  • db snatches
  • burpees

Monday, Oct 19

  • 30 push up + drag
  • Run down street/back
  • 30 push up + drag
  • run
  • 30 strict press
  • run
  • 30 strict press
  • run
  • 30 front squats
  • run
  • 30 front squats

Sunday, Oct 18

  • 50 double unders
  • 20 db snatches
  • 5 man makers

Saturday, Oct 17

800 m run, then 8 rounds of:

  • 16 mountain climbers
  • 10 squats cleans
  • 16 sit ups
  • 10 dead lifts
  • 10 wall balls
  • 10 burpee + pull up

Friday, Oct 16


Thursday, Oct 15

With partner/Eric: 5 rounds alternating stations

  • Person A:
    • 10 devil presses
    • Run down street/back
  • Person B:
    • 10 dead lifts
    • 10 squats
    • 10 push jerks

Tuesday, Oct 12

5 rounds: w/ sandbag

  • 5 bear complex
  • 5 lunge (R + L)
  • Run down the street and back

Monday, Oct 11

A) 3 rounds:

  • 10 Single leg dead lifts (R/L)
  • 10 Single Arm Presses (R/L)

B) 5 rounds:

  • 30 double unders
  • 20 front squats
  • 10 renegade row w/ push up

Saturday, Oct 9 – Sunday, Oct 10

Road trip to Texas

  • 2 burpees + 20 air squats
  • 4 burpees + 20 air squats
  • 20 burpees + 20 air squats

Thursday, Oct 8

A) Death by shuttle runs

B) For time, cap 45 mins

  • 800 m run
  • 20..18..16..14…2 of:
    • Thursters
    • push ups
    • snatches
    • sit ups
    • air squats
    • burpees
  • 800 m run

C) Bring Sally Up left lifts

Tuesday, Oct 6

A) 3 rounds: with single db

  • 8 single leg lunges (R, then L)
  • 8 single leg dead lifts (R, then L)

B) 5 rounds:

  • 20 double db front squats
  • 20 db snatches
  • 400 m run

C) 5 rounds:

  • 10 db planks drags
  • 10 plank hip dips
  • 10 super mans

Monday Oct 5

Every 2 mins, for 20 mins: 10 rounds of 1 burpee + 150 yd run

Core: 5 rounds

  • 10 v ups
  • 10 hollow twists
  • 10 hollow rocks


Sunday Oct 4

Team of 2

A) 5 rounds: alternate between 3 macho mans (bb) + 10 burpees

B) 800 m run

C) 5 rounds: alternate between 5 man makers (db) + 10 burpees

Saturday Oct 3

8 rounds: 8 sand bag power cleans + 16 burpee over sand bag + 400 m run

Friday Oct 2

2 romwods

Thursday Oct 1

Rainy and wet

A) death by shuttle runs

B) 4 rounds:

  • 30 db snatches
  • 20 db lunges
  • 400 m run

C) max plank

Tuesday, Sept 29

  • 800 m run
  • 30 front squats
  • 30 burpees
  • 30 S2OH
  • 30 burpees
  • 30 thrusters
  • 30 burpees
  • 30 clusters
  • 30 burpees
  • 800 m run

Sunday, Sept 27

EMOM for 10: 3 pull ups + 3 TTB

1×5..4…3..2..1 – cleans

1×5..4..3..2..1 – jerks

1X5..4..3..2..1 – clean and jerks

Saturday, Sept 26

AMRAP at each station. Every  7 minutes, 800 m run

1) Station 1

  • 3 clean and jerks
  • 6 push ups
  • 9 air squats

2) Station 2

  • 3 wall walks
  • 6 v ups
  • 9 wall balls

3) Stations 3

  • AMRAP squat snatches

4) Station 4

  • 3 devil press
  • 6 lunges
  • 9 thrusters

Friday, Sept 25

5 rounds: 3 FS + 5 BS + 5 pull ups

2X5..4..3..2..1 snatches

Thursday, Sept 24

A) Death by burpee shuttle run

B) 4 rounds:

  • 50 weighted lunges
  • 50 weighted squats
  • 400 m run

Tuesday, Sept 22

A) Single DB, 2 rounds

  • 10 single dead lifts (R then L)
  • 10 single arm strict press (R then L)
  • 5 plank rows (R then L)

B) for time

  • 2 snatches + 2 burpees + 2 shuttle runs (there and back = 2)
  • 4 snatches + 4 burpees + 4 shuttle runs
  • ………..
  • 20 snatches + 20 burpees + 20 shuttle runs

Sunday, Sept 20

A) Single db accessory, 3 rounds

  • 10 single leg DL (R)
  • 10 single DL (L)
  • 10 strict press (R)
  • 10 strict press (L)
  • 10 lunges (R)
  • 10 lunges (L)

B) I go, you go – 10 rounds

  • 2 man makers
  • 2 lungesters
  • 2 shuttle runs

Saturday, Sept 19

A) 3 rounds:

  • 15 burpees
  • 12 deadlifts
  • 9 hang power cleans
  • 6 push jerks
  • 800 m run

B) OTM 10: 1 hang snatch + 1 snatch

Friday, Sept 18

Run to track, hand stand walk the field, Run back

Thursday, Sept 17

  • 50 burpees
  • 400 m sand bag run
  • 50 double unders
  • 400 m sand bag run
  • 150 walking lunges
  • 400 m sand bag run
  • 200 air squats
  • 400 m sand bag run
  • 150 walking lunges
  • 400 m sand bag run
  • 50 double unders
  • 400 m sand bag run
  • 50 burpees

Then, max plank hold

Wednesday, Sept 16

A) 4×10 single leg lunges with db

B) 5 rounds:

  • 4 strict pull ups
  • 8 double db devil press
  • 16 tall box jumps

C) Tabata 2X through

  • push ups
  • sit ups

Tuesday, Sept 15

A) With single db

  • 10 single leg DL (R)
  • 10 single DL (L)
  • 10 strict press (R)
  • 10 strict press (L)

B) Every 3 minutes, 8 rounds

  • 16 db snatches
  • 8 shuttle runs (I think it was 15 yds each way)

C) core – 3 rounds

  • 20 v-ups
  • 20 hip dips
  • 20 hollow rocks
  • 20 super mans

Monday, Sept 14

Jog to Sophia’s

A) Death by power cleans

B) 15 min AMRAP

  • 6 burpees
  • X lunges
  • 6 burpees
  • X air squats

C) 15 min AMRAP

  • 24 db hop overs
  • 6 devil lunges
  • 24 db hop overs
  • 8 devil presses

Sunday, Sept 13

  • 5X5 Lungesters (I go, you go)
  • 50 burpees each (together)
  • 5X5 man makers
  • 50 pistols each
  • 5X5 clean and jerks
  • 50 ft hand stand walk

Saturday, Sept 12

hm, don’t remember

Friday, Sept 11

A) 4 rounds

  • 400 M run
  • 15 hang power cleans
  • 15 v-ups

B) Then, 5 rounds

  • 10 front squats
  • 15 push ups
  • 30 wall balls

C) romwod

D) en hakorre 2

thx, sophia again.

Thursday, Sept 10

Thx Kylee and Catherine for being weird enough to want to meet in the rain

A) EMOM for 15 mins

  • 15 push ups
  • 25 air squats
  • 50 double unders

B) Intervals

  • 400 M warm up run
  • 4×400 ‘fast’ runs, equal work to equal rest
  • 400 M cool down run

C) go home, we are cold and wet

Wednesday, Sept 9

Thx Sophia for letting me use your barbell

A) 4 rounds, empty bb

  • 10 dead lifts
  • 10 cleans
  • 10 strict press
  • 10 front squats

B) 5 x 5 front squats (105 – 125)

C) 5 rounds: 3 position snatch + 3 position clean

D) For time, 5 push ups on the minute

  • 20 hang power cleans
  • 20 thrusters
  • 20 push presses
  • 20 hang squat snatch
  • 20 over head squats
  • 20 front squats

Tuesday, Sept 8

Let the rain bum you out and eat kolaches

Monday, Sept 7

A) I go, you go: 5 rounds of 5 man makers – double db

B) 3 rounds, single db

  • 30 thrusters
  • 30 push ups
  • 30 squat cleans
  • 30 sit ups
  • 30 plank rows
  • 30 jumping lunges

C) Recovery mile

D) Give up and go home b/c you have to pee

Sunday, Sept 6

  • 400 m sandbag run
  • 50 sandbag thrusters
  • 400 m sandbag run
  • 50 burpees
  • 400 m sandbag run
  • 50 lunges w/ sandbag
  • 400 m sandbag run

Core: 4 rounds

  • 20 v-ups
  • 20 russian twists
  • 20 super mans
  • 20 hollow rocks

Saturday, Sept 5


Friday, Sept 4

1 mile run to field

football field hand stand walk. every time you break, add one push up (this cost me 210 push ups…)

1 mile run home from field

Thursday, Sept 3

A) OTM for 10 mins: 10 burpees

B) 8 rounds. One round every 4:30 mins

  • 12 deadlifts
  • 10 front squats
  • 8 shoulder to overhead
  • 400 m run


  • max sit ups
  • rest
  • plank hold
  • rest
  • max situps

Wednesday, Sept 2

5 rounds:

  • 5 man makers
  • somewhere between 200-400 m run

Tuesday, Sept 1

10 rounds:

  • 5 strict pull ups
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 box jumps

Monday, Aug 31

3 rounds:

  • 400 m run
  • 20 sandbag front squats
  • 15 sandbag cleans
  • 400 m run
  • 2 min rest

Saturday, Aug 29

A) Every 2 mins

  • 8 back rack lungester
  • 8
  • 5
  • 5
  • 3

B) 1 mile run, then

  • 21 front squats
  • 21 push press
  • 21 hang clusters

C) 5 rounds

  • 10 glute bridges
  • 1:00 plank hold

Friday, Aug 28

A) 4 rounds, double db

  • 10 clean and jerks
  • 15 v ups
  • 10 clean and jerks
  • 10 plank row + push up

B) 5 rounds

  • :30 sec headstand hold
  • 10 glute bridges

Thursday, Aug 27

A) OTM for 10 mins – 5 burpee + thruster

B) equal work/rest

  • 200 m run
  • 400 m run
  • 600 m run
  • 800 m run
  • 600 m run
  • 400 m run
  • 200 m run

C) max sit-ups in one min

Wednesday, Aug 26

4 rounds, sandbag-

  • 5 bear complex
  • 8 back rack lunges
  • 400 m run
  • 5 bear complex
  • 8 front rack lunges
  • 400 m run

Tuesday, Aug 25

A) 20 rounds, every 2 mins, 4 db snatches

  • 5 push ups
  • 10 db deadlifts
  • 15 air squats

B) 5 rounds:

  • 20 flutter kicks
  • 20 sprinter sit ups (kind of)

Monday, Aug 24

A) 5 rounds

  • 1 pause snatch deadlift
  • 1 tempo snatch pull
  • 1 snatch pull
  • 1 snatch

B) OTM for 10

  • Odd: 3 position snatch
  • Even: 15 wall balls

C) 1:00 each round, 5 rounds through

  • power snatch
  • burpees
  • wall balls
  • power cleans
  • plank

Sunday, Aug 23

Run/jog 40 minutes

Saturday, Aug 22

A) Every :40

  • 5 push ups
  • 10 air squats

B) 8 rounds

  • 8 squat cleans (sand bag)
  • 8 burpee over sand bag
  • 400 m run

Friday, Aug 21

Rachel and pizza

Thursday, Aug 20

A) OTM for 5 rounds: 50 double unders

B) Every 3:15 for 8 rounds

  • 5 hand release push ups
  • 10 db snatches
  • 20 air squats
  • 400 m run

C) 4 rounds

  • 10 pike leg lifts
  • 10 super mans
  • 10 side plank dips (R)
  • 10 side plank dips (L)

D) Sushi

Wednesday, Aug 19

Dinner with Alexa and Jake

Tuesday, Aug 18

5 rounds:

  • 10 man makers
  • 15 front squats
  • 20 db snatches
  • 30 double unders

Tabata core: 4 times through

  • Hollow rocks
  • Hollow holds
  • Super mans
  • Super man hold

Monday, Aug 17

Every 3 minutes, for 4 rounds:

  • 8 weighted lunges
  • 8 thrusters
  • 400 m run

OTM for 10 minutes:

  • Plank rows + push ups

Sunday, Aug 14

Finish moving stuff – so fun

Saturday, Aug 15

800 m run

Team A: one person working at a time, accumulate

  • 60 double db lungesters
  • 100 burpees

Team B: one person working at a time, accumulate

  • 60 barbell squat cleans
  • 100 hand stand push ups/hand release push ups

800 m run

Then, Team A and Team B switch workouts

800 m run

Friday, Aug 14

  • 2 burpees
  • 200 m sandbag run
  • 4 burpees
  • 200 m sandbag run
  • ……
  • 20 burpees
  • 200 m sandbag run

Thursday, Aug 13

Every 5 mins, for 5 rounds

  • 20 db snatches
  • 400 m run
  • 10 burpees

Core: Bring Sally Up leg lifts


Wednesday, Aug 12

I think I ate too much and did not workout

Tuesday, Aug 11

5 rounds:

  • 30 double unders
  • 20 front squats
  • 15 dead lifts
  • 10 plank row + push up

Monday, Aug 10

3 rounds:

  • 30 push ups
  • 30 db clean + jerk
  • 30 step ups
  • 30 thrusters

Sunday, Aug 9

  • 200 m run
  • 1 min rest
  • 400 m run
  • 2 min rest
  • 600 m run
  • 3 min rest
  • 800 m run
  • 4 min rest
  • 600 m run
  • 3 min rest
  • 400 m run
  • 2 min rest
  • 200 m run

Saturday, Aug 8

Thursday, Aug 6

Track Thursday

  • 800 m run
  • 21/22 – 15/16 – 9/10 front squats + push ups
  • 800 m run
  • 21//22 – 15/16 – 9/10 thrusters + push ups
  • 800 m run
  • 21/22 – 15/16 – 9/10 squat cleans + push ups
  • 800 m run

Wednesday, Aug 5

A) 4 rounds: 5 pulls ups + 10 single leg glute bridge each side

B) For time, every 2 minutes, 3 burpees

  • 50 sand bag back squats
  • 50 push up + db drag
  • 50 sand bag front squat
  • 50 box jumps

Tuesday, Aug 4

A) OTM for 10

  • 1 push up + plank row each side
  • 3 front squats
  • 1 thruster

B) For time

  • 10 power clean and jerks
  • 10 burpee over db
  • 8 …
  • 8…..
  • 2….
  • 2…

Monday, Aug 3

5 rounds:

  • 10 box jumps
  • 20 db box ste ups
  • 20 db snatches

Saturday, Aug 1

Team mile

Then, EMOM for 25 minutes

  • 5 wall walks
  • 10 burpee box jumps
  • 10 clean and jerks
  • 20 wall balls
  • max sit ups

Team mile

Thursday, July 30

Track day

  • 1 macho man + 200 m run
  • 10 burpees + 200 m run
  • 2 macho man + 200 m run
  • 20 burpees + 200 m run
  • 3 macho man + 200 m run
  • 30 burpees + 200 m run
  • 4 macho man + 200 m run
  • 40 burpees + 200 m run

*macho man = 3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 shoulder to overhead

Core: 3 rounds of :30 on /:10 off

  • flutter kicks
  • super mans
  • hollow twists
  • plank hold

Wednesday, July 29

A) 4 rounds, alternating legs

  • single leg dead lifts
  • single leg lunges

B) EMOM until failure

  • 1 pull ups + 2 push ups
  • 2 pull ups + 4 push ups
  • 3 pull ups + 6 push ups
  • etc.

C) 5 rounds, on the minute:

  • thrusters
  • box jumps
  • burpees
  • pistols
  • v-ups

Tuesday, July 28

A) OTM for 10 mins (double dbs)

  • 1 push up + renegade rows
  • 2 dead lifts
  • 2 front squats
  • 1 shoulder to overhead

B) 5 rounds (double db)

  • 12 deadlift + burpee
  • 9 front squats
  • 6 shoulder to over head

C) core, :45 secs on/:15 secs off

  • center plank
  • left plank
  • right plank

Monday, July 27

A) 5 rounds:

  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 v-ups
  • 10 push ups

B) 100 box jump + burpees until complete, 1:00 on/1:00 off

C) 5 rounds, 1:00 on/ :10 secs off

  • head stand hold
  • gymnastics plank hold

Sunday, July 26

A) 4 X 200 m run with 1 min rest in-between

B) 8 rounds:

  • 8 burpee over sandbags
  • 8 hang squat cleans
  • 400 m run

Saturday, July 25

  • 1 mile run
  • 10 rounds of:
    • 2 plank rows (each side)
    • 6 clean and jerks (each side)
    • 8 goblet squats
    • every 2 minutes, 5 burpees
  • 1 mile run

Friday, July 24

Quesadilla with Rachel

Thursday, July 23

Jones Prep Track, 630 PM

  • 200 m run
  • 40 burpees
  • 200 m run
  • 40 db snatches
  • 400 m run
  • 30 burpees
  • 400 m run
  • 30 db snatches
  • 600 m run
  • 40 burpees
  • 600 m run
  • 40 db snatches

Core cashout

Wednesday, July 22

5 rounds:

  • 10 double db clusters
  • 15 burpees
  • 1:00 rest

Tuesday, July 21

  • 50 double unders
  • 40 sit ups
  • 30 push ups
  • 20 double db lunges
  • 10 double db man makers
  • 20 double db lunges
  • 30 push ups
  • 40 sit ups
  • 50 double unders

Monday, July 20

Pre: 4 rounds, alt legs each round

  • 10 single leg dl
  • 10 split lunges
  • 10 push ups

5 rounds, :40 on/:20 off

  • devil presses
  • box jumps
  • snatches
  • pull ups

Sunday, July 19

nom nom nom

Saturday, July 18

  • 800 m run
  • 21 – 15 – 9 front squats + push ups
  • 800 m run
  • 21 – 15 – 9 thrusters + push ups
  • 800 m run
  • 21 – 15 – 9 squat cleans + push ups

Friday, July 17

10 rounds:

  • 10 clean and jerks
  • 20 box jumps

Thursday, July 16

See you at the track for:

  • 200 m run
  • 5 burpee + thruster
  • 200 m run
  • 50 double unders
  • 200 m run
  • 10 burpee + thruster
  • 200 m run
  • 50 double unders
  • 200 m run
  • 15 burpee + thruster
  • 200 m run
  • 50 double unders
  • 200 m run
  • 20 burpee + thruster
  • 200 m run
  • 50 double unders

Core cashout

Wednesday, July 15

Go to home depot to buy 50 lbs of play sand to fill new sandbag!

Tuesday, July 14


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each side)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

Metcon: Double dumbbell fun

1 round every 2:30 minutes for 10 rounds

  • 5 double db lungesters (lunge + lunge + thruster)
  • 10 burpee over dumb bells

Core Cashout: 40 secs on/20 secs off, 5 rounds

  • Headstand hold / headstand pikes
  • Flutter kicks

Monday, July 13

5 rounds:

  • 1 min burpee + box jump
  • 1 min thruster
  • 1 min v-ups
  • 1 min clean and jerks

Sunday, July 12

  • 400 m run
  • 10 man makers
  • 400 m run
  • 20 devil presses
  • 400 m run
  • 30 clean and jerks
  • 800 m run
  • 40 snatches
  • 800 m run
  • 30 clean and jerks
  • 400 m run
  • 20 thrusters
  • 400 m run
  • 10 devil presses
  • 400 m run

Saturday, July 11

Team of 4:

4 mile relay: Each person runs 800 m at a time

When you are not running, do continuous AMRAP of:

  • 2 wall walks
  • 5 man makers
  • 10 front squats
  • 20 sit-ups

Friday, July 10

go on a run

Thursday, July 9

Stuck on a late work call – boring.

Wednesday, July 8

5 rounds:

  • 1 min box jumps
  • 1 min snatches
  • 1 min burpees
  • 1 min front squats
  • 1 min sit ups
  • 1 min rest

Tuesday, Jul 7 

(Repeat from April 14)


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each side)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

A) For time:

  • 100 double unders
  • 21 burpees
  • 75 double unders
  • 15 burpees
  • 50 double unders
  • 9 burpees

B) 5 min rest after last person is done, then:

C) One round every 90 seconds for 10 rounds: (sub down to get :30 seconds rest)

  • Odd minute (right side): 10 single-arm db front squats + 10 single-arm db push presses + 10 single-arm db overhead reverse lunges
  • Even minute (left side): 10 single-arm db front squats + 10 single-arm db push presses + 10 single-arm db overhead reverse lunges

Core Cashout: 3 rounds

Monday, Jul 6

  • 50 db plank rows
  • 50 db glute bridges
  • 50 sit ups
  • 50 db push press
  • 50 db dead lift
  • 50 db thrusters
  • 50 burpees

Core cashout: Tabata hollow rocks

Sunday, Jul 5

A) 1:00 pull ups + 2:00 plank

B) For time

  • 50 db snatches, 50 sit ups, 25 hand release push ups
  • 40 db snatches, 40 sit ups, 20 hand release push ups
  • 30 db snatches, 30 sit ups, 15 hand release push ups
  • 20 db snatches, 20 sit ups, 10 hand release push ups
  • 10 db snatches, 10 sit ups, 5 hand release push ups

Saturday, Jul 4

1 mile run

Then 5 rounds:

  • 10 clean and jerks
  • 20 weighted step ups (10 each leg)
  • 20 burpees

1 mile run

Friday, Jul 3

A) 4 rounds, alt legs each round:

  • 10 single leg deadlift – weighted single db
  • 10 single leg lunge – weighted single db
  • 10 single leg glute bridge – body weight

B) OTM for 10 minutes: 5 front squats + 5 push presses (double db)

C) 5 rounds:

  • 10 devil presses (double or single db)
  • 20 db plank rows (10 each sidE)
  • 30 jumping lunges

Wednesday, Jul 1


3 rounds: 12 burpees + 30 air squats

2 min rest

3 rounds: 12 burpees + 30 air squats

Tuesday, June 30

A) Every 1:30 for 5 sets: 2 snatch drop + 2 tall snatch

B) Every 2:00 for 5 sets: 1 Hang Power Sn + 1 Power Sn + 1 Hang Sqt Sn + 1 Sqt Sn

C) 10-8-6-4-2 front squats

D) 4 rounds:

  • 5 man makers
  • 10 dead lifts
  • 400 m run

Monday, June 29

10 rounds: 2 min AMRAP + :30 sec rest

  • Even rounds: 10 empty bb squat snatch + 10 burpees
  • Odd rounds: 15 Kb swings + 15 pushups

Sunday, June 28

Every 2:30 for 10 rounds:

  • 200 m run
  • 5 push ups
  • 10 KB swings
  • 20 air squats

Saturday, June 27

1 mile run

20 rds: 1 macho man + 10 burpees (alternate with partner)

1 mile run

Friday, June 26

Cook and some Pod Saves America episodes

Thursday, June 25


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each side)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

A) 10 rounds every :30 seconds, switch sides every minute

  • 2 DB deadlift
  • 2 DB front squat
  • 2 DB push press

B) 5 rounds:

  • 20 DB thrusters
  • 20 burpee over dumb bell
  • 20 sit ups

C) Core: 3 rounds, maybe

  • :45 plank center
  • :15 sec rest
  • :45 plank right
  • :15 sec rest
  • :45 plank left
  • :15 sec rest

Wednesday, June 24

0:00 – 4:00: AMRAP

  • 30 burpees
  • 30 single db clean and jerk

4:00-5:00: rest

5:00-9:00: AMRAP

  • 16 burpees
  • 16 single db snatches

9:00-10:00: rest

10:00-11:00: AMRAP

  • 10 burpees
  • 10 single db clusters

Cashout: 3 rounds at talking pace  of one of the sets above


Tuesday, June 23


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each side)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

A) Pistol warm-up: 5 min AMRAP

  • 4 side lunges
  • 4 candle sticks
  • 2 alternating pistols

B) 10 min time cap: 21-18-15-12-9 KB or DB swings and push ups

C) 20 min time cap

  • 100 double under buy-in
  • Then, 3 rounds:
    • 10 DB overhead lunges (R)
    • 10 DB overhead lunges (L)
    • 10 alternating pistols
    • 10 alternating db devil press
  • 100 double under buy-out

D) 3 rounds: :30 secs on/:10 secs off

  • Hollow hold
  • Superman hold
  • Hand stand / head stand/ tri-pod / plank
  • Alternating toe touch v-ups

Monday, June 22

A) 10-8-6-4-2 strict press  + 10-8-6-4-2 front squats


AMRAP 5 mins:

  • 8 bb clean and jerks
  • 8 bb front squats
  • 8 burpees

2 min rest

AMRAP 5 minutes

  • 6 double db clean and jerks
  • 6 double db front squats
  • 8 burpees

cash out: talking pace, 3 rounds of one of the rep schemes above

Core tabata, 4 times through:

  • hollow rock
  • super man
  • hip dip
  • glute bridge

Sunday, June 21

A) 4 rounds:

  • 10 split lunge (switch legs each round)
  • 10 single leg dead lift (switch legs each round)

B) 4 rounds: empty bb

  • 10 dead lifts
  • 10 front squat
  • 10 strict press
  • 10 btn push press
  • 10 overhead squats

C) OTM 10 mins, alternating between

  • 3 position power snatch + 1 ohs
  • 3 position squat snatch + 1 ohs

D) 15 min amrap

  • 15 power snatches
  • 15 burpees
  • 200 m run

Saturday, June 20

A) 100 M single DB walking lunge. Every minute, 4 dumb bell clusters

B)  For time

  • 200 m run
  • 30 deadlifts (135#)
  • 400 m run
  • 40 db snatches (35#)
  • 800 m run
  • 10 man makers (double db 35#)
  • 800 m run
  • 40 db snatches (35#)
  • 400 m run
  • 30 deadlifts (135#)
  • 200 m run

Friday, June 19

Remember those chicken nuggets in the freezer you bought for the toddler? Eat those.

Thursday, June 18


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each side)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

Workout: Every 2 minutes do 3 burpees, 30 min time cap

  • 50 double unders
  • 50 walking lunges
  • 50 KB/DB swings
  • 50 sit ups
  • 50 thrusters
  • 50 sit ups
  • 50 KB/DB swings
  • 50 walking lunges
  • 50 double unders

Core: 3 rounds

  • 20 plank up/down
  • 20 toes to sky
  • 20 flutter kicks

Wednesday, June 17

A) 5 rounds

  • 15 burpees
  • 3 macho mans (3 power cleans, 3 front squats, 3 shoulder to overhead)

B) 15 min AMRAP

  • 5 – 10 strict pull ups
  • 200 m run

C) sushi

Tuesday, June 16


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each shide)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

Pre: OTM 10 minutes

  • 5 push ups
  • 10 air squats
  • Plank for the rest of the minute

Metcon: EMOM for 20 minutes (if you don’t finish a round, sit a round out)

  • 4 goblet squats
  • 4 snatches
  • 6 burpees

Core:  3 rounds

  • :45 second R side plank, :15 second rest
  • :45 second L side plank, :15 second rest
  • :45 second center plank, :15 second rest

Monday, June 15

A) OTM 10 – 5 strict presses

B) OTM 3 pause back squats

C) Metcon:

  • 50 burpees
  • 1200 m run
  • 75 db snatches
  • 1200 m run
  • 100 walking lunges

Sunday, June 14

  • 30 hand release push ups
  • 30 deadlifts
  • 30 kb swings
  • 30 goblet squats
  • 30 burpees
  • 1 min rest
  • 5 rounds of: 20 foot hand stand walks + 25 sit ups
  • 1 min rest
  • 30 burpees
  • 30 goblet squats
  • 30 kb swings
  • 30 deadlifts
  • 30 hand release push ups

Saturday, June 13

Metcon: double DB or barbell. if empty barbell, double the reps. (I did 95# for deadlifts, and 65# for everything else.)

  •  800 m run
  •  25 deadlifts + 25 burpees
  • 800 m run
  • 25 squat cleans + 25 burpees
  • 800 m run
  • 25 snatches + 25 burpees
  • 800 m run
  • 25 clusters + 25 burpees
  • 800 m run

Core: 4 rounds, :30 on/:30 off

  • V-ups
  • Russian twists
  • Super mans
  • Hip dips
  • Strict press

Friday, June 12

Solo happy hour

Thursday, June 11


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each side)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

A) OTM for 10 minutes:

  • 2 hang squat cleans
  • 4 snatches
  • 6 burpees

B) 30 minute time cap, 5 rounds:

  • 20 squat cleans
  • 20 snatches
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 double unders

C) Bring Sally Up leg lifts

Wednesday, June 10

A) 5X5 deadlift

B) 3 Rounds: (choose db or bb weight)
1 Minute  Thrusters
1 Minute Power Cleans
1 Minute Double Dumbbell Push Presses
1 Minute Burpees
200 M run
1 Minute Rest

C) OTM for 10 minutes: Even minutes – 10 pushups; Odd minutes- Hand stand holds

Tuesday, June 9


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each shide)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

A) Extra skill + strength warm-up: 5 minute AMRAP

  • 2 hand release push ups
  • 2 candle sticks or single leg squat to chair (1 per leg)
  • Add 2 each round until time is up

B) Conditioning: 20 min AMRAP

  • 50 double unders
  • 2 man makers (each side if single db)
  • 4 devil presses (each side if single db)
  • 8 alternating pistols / single leg squat to chair
  • 16 burpee over dumb bell

C) Core: 4 rounds

  • 10 hand stand press float drill (i’ll demo)
  • 10 weighted sit ups
  • 10 v ups

Monday, June 8

100 Meter Farmers Carry
20 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
30 AbMat Sit-ups

Sunday, June 7

A) OTM 10 minutes: 2 pause back squats + 2 pause over head squats

B) 3 sets: 3 muscle snatch + 3 over head squats + 3 snatch balance

C) 3 sets: 1 snatch pull + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 squat snatch

D) OTM 10 minutes: 1 squat snatch

E) Conditioning: 30-20-10 snatches + burpees

Saturday, June 6

A) 4 rounds:

  • 5 strict hand stand push ups
  • 5 hand stand press drill of your choice
  • :30 hollow hold

B) 4 rounds (alternating legs each round):

  • 10 weighted split lunges
  • 10 weighted single leg dead lifts

C) EMOM for 10 minutes:

  • 5 shoulder to overhead of choice
  • 5 weighted squats of choice

D) Serious conditioning: 10 rounds (1 hour time cap):

  • 5 double dumb bell man makers
  • 400 m run

Friday, June 5

Eat snacks, watch Space Force

Thursday, June 4


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each shide)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

A) Every 1:30 minutes for 10 rounds

  • 10 db plank row + db drag
  • 10 air squats

B) 2 min rest

C) 20 min AMRAP:

  • 50 KB or DB swings
  • 50 walking lunges
  • 50 db clusters

Every 2 minutes do 10 burpees (starting on the 0:00)

Core: 4 rounds

  • 1:00 tripod or headstand hold
  • 10 pike leg lifts

Wednesday, June 3

A) Overhead squat 3X3

B) 3 rounds: 1 snatch pull + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 snatch balance

C) OTM for 10 minutes: 1 snatch

D) 5 rounds: 2 front squats + 4 back squats

Conditioning: 15 min AMRAP

  • 1 round of “cindy”
  • 1 clean + jerk
  • 1 round of “cindy”
  • 2 clean + jerk
  • 1 round of “cindy”
  • 3 clean + jerk
  • ..etc.

“cindy” = 5 dumb bell renegade rows each side + 10 push ups +15 goblet squats

Handstand practice: 5 free standing holds

Tuesday, June 2


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each shide)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

Mini strength: OTM for 10 minutes

  • Odds: :30 of push ups, :30 rest
  • Evens: :30 of dumb bell overhead lunges (alternating legs), :30 rest

2 minute rest, then straight into:

Conditioning: 6 rounds, every 2 minutes:

  • 75 double unders
  • Max devil presses (single db)
  • 1 min rest


  • 1:00 hollow hold
  • 10 super mans
  • :45 hollow hold
  • 10 super mans
  • :30 hollow hold
  • 10 super mans
  • :15 hollow hold
  • 10 super mans

Monday, May 30:

A) OTM for 10 minutes: 2 pause front squats (3 seconds)

B) 3 rounds: 3 muscle cleans + 3 front squats + 3 push jerks

C) 3 rounds: 1 clean pull + 1 hang squat clean + 1 push jerk

D) OTM for 10 minutes: 1 clean + jerk


  • 15 minute AMRAP: 2-4-6-8-10….. reps of:
    • Hang Clean
    • Push Press
    • Front squat
    • 10 burpees after each round
  • 800 m recovery run
  • 15 min AMRAP of 2-4-6-8-10…reps of
    • Burpee with strict push up
    • Snatch
    • Weighted lunges
    • 10 sit-ups after each round

Sunday, May 31a little bit of snatch tech drills

Saturday, May 30:


  • 10-8-6-4-2 reps of strict pull-ups and v-ups
  • 2-4-6-8-10 reps of strict hand stand push ups and :20 hollow hold
  • AMRAP 6 minutes: 10 weighted lunges + 10 kb swings

Conditioning: Every 5 minutes for 6 rounds:

  • 8 power clean and jerks
  • 400 m run
  • 10 burpees

Friday, May 29:

4 rounds: 400 m run ‘fast’, 400 m recovery walk

Thursday, May 28


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each shide)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

Workout: 30 min cap

  • 8 devil press
  • 80 sit ups
  • 8 devil press
  • 80 air squats
  • 8 devil press
  • 80 double unders
  • 8 devil press
  • 80 KB swings / DB swings
  • 8 devil press
  • 80 double unders
  • 8 devil press
  • 80 air squats
  • 8 devil press
  • 80 sit ups
  • 8 devil press

single dumbbell devil press, alternating each side

Core cashout: 3 rounds

  • 30 sec russian twist (weighted or body weight)
  • 15 sec rest
  • 30 sec super mans (weighted or body weight)
  • 15 sec rest
  • 30 sec flutter kicks (weighted or body weight)
  • 15 sec rest
  • 30 sec plank
  • 15 sec rest

Wednesday, May 27

Clean Pull Complex
On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
1 Pausing Clean Deadlift
1 Tempo Clean Pull
1 Clean Pull

Snatch Pull Complex
On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
1 Pausing Snatch Deadlift
1 Tempo Snatch Pull
1 Snatch Pull

“Five Below”

Buy-In: 100 Double Unders
Into Max Rounds:
6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
12 Dumbbell Front Squats (50’s/35’s)

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 100 Double Unders
Into Max Rounds:
6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
9 Dumbbell Thrusters (50’s/35’s)

Rest 5 Minutes

Buy-In: 100 Double Unders
Into Max Rounds:
6 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
6 Dumbbell Clusters (50’s/35’s)

Tuesday, May 26


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (5 each shide)
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges
    • 10 shoulder taps
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 high jumps
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

Workout: 24 min AMRAP

  • 2 lungesters
  • 4 snatches
  • 6 deadlifts
  • 4 lungesters
  • 6 snatches
  • 8 deadlifts
  • 6 lungesters
  • 8 snatches
  • 10 deadlifts
  • ………etc

(For single dumb bells: lungesters alternate every rep, snatches alternate every rep, deadlifts alternate half way through the round)

Core cashout: 5 rounds

  • 8 dumb bell drags
  • 10 alternating leg v-ups
  • 30 secs rest

Monday, May 25

Midday running:

  • 2 mile jog
  • 4 rounds: 400 m fast, 400 walk recovery
  • 2 mile jog

Evening tech conditioning:

  • 7 rounds of 1:30:  3 strict hand stand push ups + 4 shoulder taps
  • 7 rounds of 1:30: 2 front squats + 4 back squats
  • For time:
    • 50 sit ups, 20 ft hand stand walk, 25 double dumb bell dead lifts
    • 40…20…20
    • 30….20…15
    • 20…20…10
    • 10….20….5

Sunday, May 24

(empty 45# barbell)

  • 25 strict press
  • 25 push press
  • 25 push jerk
  • 100 double unders
  • 25 front squat
  • 25 back squat
  • 25 overhead squat
  • 100 double unders
  • 25 hang squat cleans
  • 100 double unders
  • 25 hang squat snatch
  • 100 double unders

Saturday, May 23

1 mile run

30 rounds of:

  • 5 double dumb bell deadlift/athelete’s choice
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 sit ups
  • 15 air squats

1 mile run

Friday, May 22

Rest day

Thursday, May 21


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 20 jumping jacks
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 plank jacks
    • 5 inch worm with push up
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

20 min AMRAP: 

  • 50 sit-ups
  • 50 push-ups
  • 50 air squats
  • 10 wall walks or 10 of (1 inch worm + 8 shoulder taps)
  • 50 air squats
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 sit ups

Every min on the min, 2 man makers (one each side with one dumb bell)

Core: 4 rounds

  • :20 secs flutter kicks
  • :10  rest
  • :20  hip dips
  • :10 rest
  • :20 super mans
  • :10 rest
  • :20 hollow rocks
  • :10 rest

Wednesday, May 20

5 rounds of 3 min AMRAP

  • 3 cleans
  • 6 push ups
  • 9 air squats
  • 1 min rest

4 rounds:

  • :20 secs of single dead lift (R)
  • :20 secs of rest
  • :20 secs of single dead lift (L)
  • :20 secs of rest
  • :20 secs of renegade row (R)
  • :20 secs of rest
  • :20 secs of renegade row (L)

Tuesday, May 19


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 20 jumping jacks
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges/10 jumping lunges
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (R, then L)
    • 10 plank jacks
    • 5 inch worm with push up


  • 1 round:
    • 160 double unders / 320 single unders or toe taps
    • 100 weighted lunges
    • 40 burpees
    • 20 toe touch crunches
  • 2 rounds:
    • 80 double unders /160 single unders or toe taps
    • 50 weighted lunges
    • 20 burpees
    • 10 toe touch crunches
  • 3 rounds:
    • 40 double unders 80 single unders or toe taps
    • 26 weighted lunges
    • 10 burpees
    • 5 toe touch crunches

Core: 8 Rounds:
20 Seconds Max V-ups
10 Seconds Hollow Hold
20 Seconds Max Glute Bridges
10 Seconds Glute Bridge Hold

Monday, May 18

  • Pre:
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (R then L)
    • 10 single leg split squats (R then L)
    • 10 glute bridges
  • Conditioning: 20 min AMRAP
    • 10 deadlifts
    • 50 double unders
    • 10 front squats
    • 200 m run
  • Post: 3 rounds
    • 10 pull ups
    • 10 straddle sit leg lifts (each leg)

Sunday, May 17

  • 1 mile run
  • 100 air squats
  • 25 burpees
  • 100 snatches
  • 25 burpees
  • 100 weighted lunges
  • 25 burpees
  • 100 clean and jerks
  • 25 burpees
  • 100 sit ups
  • 1 mile run

Saturday, May 16

On the minute for 10 minutes: 2-3 front squat w/ 3 second pause at the bottom

3 rounds:

  • 3 jerk strict press
  • 3 jerk balance
  • 1 pausing split jerk

3 rounds:

  • 2 tall cleans
  • 1 split jerk

Every 1:30 for 6 rounds:

  • 1 hang squat clean
  • 1 squat clean
  • 1 split jerk


  • 21 – 15 – 9 clean and jerk + 400 m run
  • 21 – 15 – 9 front squat + 400 m run
  • 5 rounds: 10 push ups + 20 sit ups

Friday, Mar 15


Thursday, May 14


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges/10 jumping lunges
    • 10 single leg dead lifts (R, then L)
    • 5 inch worm with push up
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell dead lifts: 10 seconds rest

Happy belated bday to Wendy (5/10)

  • 43 burpees buy-in
  • 5 rounds:
    • 10 dumb bell snatches (10 each arm)
    • 10 weighted lunges (10 each leg)
  • 43 burpees buy-out

Core: 3 rounds

  • 10 dumbbell sit ups
  • 10 russian twists
  • 10 side planks with hip raises (R)
  • 10 side planks with hip raises (L)
  • 10 v ups

Wednesday, May 13

Pre: 2 rounds

  • 10 elevated split squats each leg
  • 10 single leg dead lifts each leg (single db)

4 rounds:

  • 12 front squats (double db)
  • 4 x 25 ft shuttle run
  • 12 clean and jerks (double db)
  • 4 x 25 ft shuttle rum
  • 6 devil presses (double db)
  • 4 x 25 shuttle run

Tuesday, May 12


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 20 jumping toe taps
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges/10 jumping lunges
    • 5 inch worm with push up
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :45 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R), :15 seconds rest
    • :45 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :15 seconds rest
    • :45 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :15 seconds rest

AMRAP 20 mins

  • 4 man makers
  • 50 double unders
  • 25 sit ups


  • Bring Sally Up — leg lifts

Monday, May 11

5 rounds:

  • 1 pausing high hang squat snatch
  • 1 pausing hang squat snatch
  • 1 pausing squat snatch

On the minute for 4 minutes: 1 snatch

Every 1:30 min for 7 rounds: 2 front squats + 4 back squats

Conditioning: 20 min AMRAP

  • 20 clean and jerks (single db)
  • 40 double unders
  • 20 reverse lunges (single db)
  • 400 m run

Sunday, May 10

4 rounds:

  • 15 split squats w/ single DB
  • 15 single leg DB dead lifts
  • 15 back squats (empty bb)
  • 15 dead lifts (empty bb)

5 rounds:

  • 10 deadlifts
  • 20 burpees
  • 400 m run

4 rounds:

  • 20 v-ups
  • 20 hip dips
  • 1 min rest

Saturday, May 9

  • 1 mile run
  • 20-18-16——2
    • Thrusters
    • Push ups
    • DB snatches
    • Sit ups
    • Air squats
    • Burpees
  • 1 mile run

Friday, May 8

Rest day

Thursday, May 7


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 20 jumping toe taps
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air tempo squats (3 secs down, 3 secs pause, jump up)
    • 10 lunges/10 jumping lunges
    • 5 inch worm with push up
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :45 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :15 seconds rest
    • :45 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :15 seconds rest
    • :45 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :15 seconds rest

AMRAP 24 minutes

  • 50 double unders
  • 40 air squats
  • 30 push ups
  • 20 single dumb bell snatches

Core cash out: 5 rounds – :20 secs on/:10 secs off

Wednesday, May 6

  • 5 rounds
    • 20 burpees
    • 3 ‘macho mans’ (3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 shoulder to overhead)
  • Then, 4 rounds
    • 400 m run
    • 10 strict pull ups

Tuesday, May 5


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 jumping toe taps
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 lunges
    • 5 inch worm with push up
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :45 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :15 seconds rest
    • :45 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :15 seconds rest
    • :45 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :15 seconds rest


  • 100 double unders
  • 10-12-16
    • burpee over dumbbell
    • single dumb bell lungesters
  • 100 double unders
  • 16-12-10
    • burpee over dumbell
    • single dumb bell lungesters
  • 100 double unders

(lungester for today = lunge each side + thruster. alternate dumb bell arms each rep.)

Core: 5 rounds OTM of :45 secs on / :15 secs rest

  • Alternating leg v-ups
  • Plank

Monday, May 4

  • 5 rounds:
    • 1 tempo front squat
    • 1 front squat
    • 1 thruster
  • 3 rounds:
    • 400 m run
    • 10 strict pulls
  • 3 rounds:
    • 20 double dumb bell dead lifts
    • 15 barbell thrusters
  • 3 rounds:
    • 20 barbell overhead lunges
    • 20 dumb bell hip thrusters
    • 20 single leg barbell dead lifts (10 each side)

Source: Comptrain modification

Sunday, May 3

  • Warm up:
    • 10 strict press
    • 10 front squat
    • 10 back squat
    • 10 strict press
    • 400 m run
  • 5 rounds:
    • 1 tempo snatch dead lift
    • 1 tempo snatch pull
    • 1 snatch pull
  • 400 m run
  • 5 rounds:
    • 1 snatch push press
    • 1 snatch push jerk
    • 1 snatch snatch balance
  • 400 m run
  • 5 rounds:
    • 1 high hang snatch
    • 1 hang snatch
    • 1 snatch
  • 400 m run

Inspiration: Enjoy moving slow and new rented barbell

Saturday, May 2

‘Bert’ For Time:

  • 50 Burpees
  • 400 meter Run
  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 400 meter Run
  • 150 Walking Lunges
  • 400 meter Run
  • 200 Air Squats
  • 400 meter Run
  • 150 Walking Lunges
  • 400 meter Run
  • 100 Push-Ups
  • 400 meter Run
  • 50 Burpees

Friday, May 1

Rest day! Eat snacks.

Thursday,  April 30


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 lunges
    • 5 inch worm with push up
    • 5 candle sticks
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest

For time: Time cap of 35 minutes

  • 100 air squats
  • 90 tuck sit ups or v-ups or normal sit ups
  • 80 single dumb bell shoulder to overhead
  • 70 push ups
  • 60 jumping lunges
  • 50 burpees
  • 40 single dumb bell goblet squats
  • 30 single dumb bell hang power cleans
  • 20 pistol squats or single leg candle sticks or double leg candle sticks
  • 10 single dumb bell devil press (burpee with push up plus hang snatch) (5 each side)

Cashout: break

Wednesday,  April 29

Tech complex: 5 rounds, empty barbell

  • 1 pausing snatch deadlift
  • 1 tempo snatch pull
  • 1 snatch pull
  • 1 snatch

For time: 4 rounds, empty barbell

  • 20 hang power snatches
  • 20 burpee over dumb bell
  • 20 over head squats
  • 400 m run

Core cashout:

  • 10 hip raises (each leg)
  • 10 pike leg lifts
  • 2 free standing hand stand holds

Tuesday,  April 28


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 calf raises
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 inch worm with push up
    • 10 lunges
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest

20 min AMRAP:

  • 5 single dumb bell over head squat (each side) /sub = front squat or overhead lunges
  • 10 burpees
  • 20 single dumb bell clean and jerks
  • 30 double unders

Core cashout: 3 rounds

  • 20 leg lifts with dumb bell overhead
  • 20 iron crosses
  • 1:00 plank
  • :30 seconds rest

Source: modification of Comptrain Home wod

Monday, April 27

At talking pace, for time, empty barbell

  • 20 back squats
  • 20 front squats
  • 20 OH squats
  • 400-meter run
  • 20 strict press
  • 20 push press
  • 20 push jerks
  • 400-meter run
  • 40 hang squat cleans
  • 400-meter run
  • 40 hang power snatch
  • 400-meter run

Sunday, April 26

20 min jog to track. Then,

  • 200 m fast, 200 m slow
  • 400 m fast, 400 m slow
  • 600 m fast, 400 m slow
  • 800 m fast, 400 m slow

Then, 20 min jog back home.

Saturday, April 25

For time:

  • 800 m run
  • 100 thrusters
  • 100 sit ups
  • 100 burpees
  • 800 m run
  • 100 thrusters
  • 100 sit ups
  • 100 burpees
  • 800 m run

Friday, April 24

Rest day

Thursday, April 23


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 inch worm with push up
    • 10 hollow rocks
    • 10 lunges
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest

For time: 7 rounds (30 min cap)

  • 7 hand release push ups
  • 7 lungesters (front squat vs thruster)
  • 7 V-ups / jack knives
  • 7 dead lifts (each side, so 14)
  • 7 burpees
  • 7 snatches (each side, so 14)
  • 7 dumb bell pull across

Cashout: 3 rounds

  • 10 pike leg lifts
  • 10 hip dips (each side)
  • 10 weighted sit ups
  • :30 seconds rest

Inspiration: The Seven

Wednesday, April 22

For time: 2 rounds

  • 400 m run
  • 25 pull ups
  • 400 m run
  • 50 burpees
  • 400 m run
  • 100 air squats

Tuesday, April 21


  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 inch worm with 4 shoulder taps (vs push ups)
    • 10 lunges
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest

Amp up of the CrossFit Fundraiser Open 21.3 (b/c I don’t have the right equipment anyways)

  • 100 dumb bell dead lifts (each side is one rep)
  • 100 flutter kicks
  • 100 walking lunges
  • 100 dumb bell thrusters (each side is one rep)

Plank cashout: 3 rounds

  • R side plank (:40 secs on/:20 secs rest)
  • Middle plank (:40 secs on/:20 secs rest)
  • L side plank (:40 secs on/:20 secs rest)

Monday, April 20

For time: 

  • 30-20-10
    • Burpees
    • Lunges
    • Leg Lifts
  • 30-20-10
    • Dumb bell squats
    • Hip Dips
    • Push Ups
  • 30-20-10
    • Dumb bell snatches
    • Dips
    • Dumb bell drags

Sunday, April 19

For time:

  • 2 single dumb bell man makers (one on each side = 1 rep)
  • 200 meter run
  • 4 single dumb bell man makers
  • 200 meter run
  • ……
  • 10 single dumb bell man makers
  • 200 m run

Cashout: 3 rounds through of :40 secs work +:20 rest, with 2 min rest in between each round

  • (R) Bulgarian split squat
  • (R) side plank
  • (R) single leg deadlift w/ dumb bell
  • (L) Bulgarian split squat
  • (L) side plank
  • (L) single leg deadlift w/ dumb bell

Saturday, April 18

For time: “Zachary Tellier” Hero WOD:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 50 Lunges
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 50 Lunges
  • 100 Sit-Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 Push-Ups
  • 50 Lunges
  • 100 Sit-Ups
  • 150 Air Squats

Friday, April 17

Active rest day – 25 minute jog/walk with Eric

Thursday, April 16



  • 2 rounds through:
    • 10 good mornings
    • 10 air squats
    • 10 high jumps
    • 10 inch work with push up
    • 10 sit ups
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest

10 rounds for time: Alternate sides each round

  • 15 single dumb bell dead lifts
  • 12 single dumb bell hang power cleans
  • 9 single dumb bell push jerks

Cash out: 20 secs on, 10 secs off, 4 rounds through

Inspiration: DT

Wednesday, April 15

Every 3 minutes for 7 rounds:

  • 12 dumb bell snatches
  • 6 burpees over dumb bell
  • 12 weighted lunges
  • 6 burpees over dumb bell

Cashout – 4 rounds:

  • :30 seconds dumb bell row (alternate sides each round)
  • :30 plank hip dips
  • :30 single leg dumb bell dead lift (alternate sides each round)
  • :30 hollow rock
  • :30 sec rest

Tuesday, April 14

Mobilize before-hand


  • 2 rounds through
    • 20 jumping jacks
    • 20 reverse lunges
    • 10 hand release push ups
    • 10 tempo air squats – 3 seconds down, 3 second pause, 1 second up
    • 10 calf raises
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :40 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest

For time, 15 min cap (CrossFit Fundraiser Open 21.2):

  • 100 double unders
  • 21 burpees
  • 75 double unders
  • 15 burpees
  • 50 double unders
  • 9 burpees

5 min rest after last person is done, then:

One round every 90 seconds for 10 rounds: (sub down to get :30 seconds rest)

  • Odd minute (right side): 10 single-arm db front squats + 10 single-arm db push presses + 10 single-arm db overhead reverse lunges
  • Even minute (left side): 10 single-arm db front squats + 10 single-arm db push presses + 10 single-arm db overhead reverse lunges

Core Cashout: 3 rounds

Monday, April 13

For Time:

  • 20 strict pull ups
  • 400 m run
  • 40 dumbbell clean and jerks
  • 800 m run
  • 40 dumbbell clean and jerks
  • 400 m run
  • 20 strict pull ups

Core cashout: 3 rounds

  • 50 flutter kicks
  • 30 weighted dumbbell hip thrusters
  • 20 weighted sit ups

10 free standing hand stand practice attempts

Source: Comptrain home modification
Inspiration: Nice weather today

Sunday, April 12

Peleton interval run workout (“30 minute Intervals Run with Chase Tucker”):
3 rounds of 6 mins at 7-8 RPE, then 3 minutes at 2-3 RPE

Handstand drills

Saturday, April 11

50 rounds for time:

  • 5 push ups
  • 10 sit ups
  • 15 air squats

Source: Sophia via Coach Taylor from SLSC
Inspiration: Saturday

Friday, April 10

Rest day. Walk/Run with Eric for 30 minutes

Thursday, April 9

Mobilize before hand


  • 2X:
    • 10 Good Mornings
    • 10 Scap Push Up
    • 10 Air Squats
    • 10 Shoulder Taps
    • 10 Lunges
    • 5 burpees
  • 2X: On the minute
    • :40 seconds single arm dumb bell overhead hold (R)
    • :40 seconds single arm dumb bell overhead hold (L)
    • :40 seconds weighted squat hold

Workout (morning home video demo)

  • 5 min AMRAP of Single Dumb Bell Man Makers (w/ push up)
  • 3 min rest
  • 5 min AMRAP of Single Dumb Bell Devil Press
  • 3 min rest
  • 5 min AMRAP of burpees

Cashout: 4 rounds

  • 20 alternating single leg  toe taps
  • 20 flutter kicks
  • 1:00 plank

Source: Street Parking modification
Inspiration: It’s almost  Friday

Wednesday, April 8

5 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
50 Single Dumbbell Power Cleans

4 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
40 Dumbbell Goblet Squats

3 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”
30 Alternating Single Arm Squat Clean Thrusters

*1 round of Cindy: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats

Source: Comptrain Home
Inspiration: Just get it done

Tuesday, April 7


  • 2 rounds through
    • 20 jumping jacks
    • 20 dumb bell dead lifts (10 each side)
    • 10 hand release push ups
    • 10 tempo air squats – 3 seconds down, 3 second pause, 1 second up
  • Then, 2 rounds through:
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (R, :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell overhead hold (L), :10 seconds rest
    • :30 seconds dumb bell squat hold, :10 seconds rest

A) CrossFit Fundraiser Workout: 10 min AMRAP ( If you’ve already done it, you can do it again!)

  • 9 single arm dumb bell snatches – right
  • 10 air squats
  • 9 single arm dumb bell snatches – left
  • 10 push ups

B) Then, 5 minute rest

C) Then, For Time:

  • 100 double unders, 50 sit ups, 15 jumping lunges
  • 80 double unders, 40 sit ups, 15 jumping lunges
  • 60 double unders, 20 sit ups, 15 jumping lunges
  • 40 double unders, 20 sit ups, 15 jumping lunges
  • 20 double unders, 10 sit ups, 15 jumping lunges

(Sub for double unders is 2X single unders or 2X jumping toe taps to dumb bell)

D) Core cash out, 3 rounds:

Source: CrossFit Fundraiser workout + modification of CompTrain home

Monday, April 6

20 min midday jog

20 min AMRAP

  • 4 strict pull ups
  • 8 burpees
  • 12 weighted lunges

Sunday, April 5

Peleton interval run workout (“30 minute Intervals Run with Chase Tucker”):
3 rounds of 6 mins at 7-8 RPE, then 3 minutes at 2-3 RPE

Saturday, April 4

CrossFit Fundraiser Workout: 10 min AMRAP

  • 9 single arm dumb bell snatches – right
  • 10 air squats
  • 9 single arm dumb bell snatches – left
  • 10 push ups

Then, 2 minute rest followed by 8 min AMRAP of talking pace of the same workout above.


  • 2 rounds: 10 sitting straddle leg lifts (one leg at a time)  + 10 single leg weighted dead lifts
  • 3 rounds: wall-assisted handstand shoulder taps + 3 attempts unassisted static hand stand holds

Source: CrossFit mainsite + a nod to gymnastics drills and glute PT

Friday, April 3

“Warm up” – 20 minute Peleton interval run to stop feeling like a potato

For time: 100 single dumb bell clean and jerks, stop every minute to do 5 lateral dumb bell burpees

Cashout: 4 rounds

Source: Peleton + CompTrain Home

Thursday, April 2

Pre-mobility: All your parts


  • 3 rounds of:
    • 10 jumping jacks
    • 10 single dumb bell dead lifts (5 each side)
    • 5 goblet squats
    • 5 inch worm w/ push up
  • 2 rounds: 30 secs on, 10 secs off
    • Dumb bell over head hold (R)
    • Dumb bell over head hold (L)
    • Bottom of squat with dumb bell
  • Then, warm up dumb bell snatches and thrusters

Workout: One time through. 50 reps of everything. 30 minute time cap.

  • Dead lift jumps
  • Sit ups
  • Single dumb bell snatch (switch every time)
  • Walking lunges
  • Single dumb bell push press (switch every 5)
  • Good morning (dumb bell in front or on back rack)
  • Single dumb bell thrusters (switch every 5)
  • Burpees
  • Double unders (sub 100 single unders, or 100 jumping toe taps on dumb bell)

Cashout: 3 times through

  • Side Plank (L) – 1:00 hold
  • Center Plak – 1:00 hold
  • Side Plank (R) -1:00 hold
  • 1:00 rest

Inspiration: “Filthy Fifty

Wednesday, April 1

“Deck of cards” with Eric

  • Spades = burpees
  • Club = V ups
  • Diamonds = shuttle runs
  • Hearts = lunges

Cashout = dinner

Tuesday, March 31

Mobility on your own: calves, hips, shoulders, hams

Warm-up: 3 rounds

  • 10 good mornings
  • 10 calf raises
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 5 body weight lungesters
  • 5 inch worms with push up

AMRAP 20 mins:

  • 50 double unders
  • 20 single dumb bell lungester (front squat vs thruster)
  • 50 double unders
  • 20 single dumb bell devil presses

Core cashout: 4 rounds through :20 secs on, :10 off

  • Iron Crosses
  • V-ups
  • Hip Dips
  • Hollow Hold

(Demo of lungester and devil presses today – sorry, really qiuet)

Monday, March 30

AMRAP 20 mins:

  • 20 single arm dumb bell snatches
  • 50 double-unders
  • 5 wall walks
  • 200 m run

Then accessory work,  5 rounds of:

  • 5 strict pull ups
  • 10 supine toe touches

Sunday, March 29

Peleton interval run workout (“30 minute Intervals Run with Chase Tucker”):
3 rounds of 6 mins at 7-8 RPE, then 3 minutes at 2-3 RPE

Then accessory work of 4 rounds, every minute on the minute for 40 seconds:

  • Hollow hold
  • Single leg dumb bell dead lift (alternate between L and R each round)
  • Single arm dumb bell overhead  lunges (L)
  • Single arm dumb bell overhead lunges (R)

Equipment: single dumb bell
Source: Peleton mobile app + modification of Comptrain Home
Inspiration: Good weather day and recommendation from Sophia

Saturday, March 28

500 burpees. 6 burpees/minute.

Equipment: Something to entertain you while doing burpees for over an hour
Source: Sophia suggested 1000, but I’m not quite bored enough yet
Inspiration:  Time

Friday, March 27

Rest day. Light jog/walk with Eric, and mobility.

Thursday, March 26

(recommend doing some shoulder and hip mobility before)

3 rounds:

  • 10 good mornings
  • 10 shoulder taps
  • 10 air squats
  • 20 jumping jacks

For time, or AMRAP in 20 mins:

  • 2 single dumb bell man makers
  • 2 lateral burpee over dumb bell
  • 4 single dumb bell man makers
  • 4 lateral burpee over dumb bell
  • …..
  • 10 single dumb bell man makers
  • 10 lateral burpee over dumb bell

*single dumb bell man maker = bent over plank row with dumb bell (one each side) + dumb bell thruster (one each side)

Cashout: Tabata sit ups

Equipment: Single dumbbell
Source: Matching impetus of Comptrain home workout w/o pull ups
Inspiration:  Do a diff movement than you’ve done so far at home

Wednesday, March 25

On the minute for 20 mins:

  • :40 burpees
  • :40 double unders
  • :40 dumb bell snatches
  • :40 hand stand hold
  • :40 air squats

Equipment: Single dumbbell, jump rope
Source: Modification of  West Loop Crossfit
Inspiration:  Go at talking pace to take a break today

Tuesday, March 24
For Time:

  • 50 Double-Unders  + 10 lateral burpee over barbell + 10 weighted lunges
  • 50 Double-Unders + 10 lateral burpee over barbell + 20 weighted lunges
  • 50 Double-Unders + 10 lateral burpee over barbell + 30 weighted lunges
  • 50 Double-Unders + 10 lateral burpee over barbell + 40 weighted lunges
  • 50 Double-Unders +10 lateral burpee over barbell + 50 weighted lunges

Core cashout: Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:
Alternate between :40 sec hand stand hold or plank (hands v. elbows) and :40 sec hollow rocks

Equipment: Single dumbbell (or weighted back pack), jump rope
Source: Modification of Comptrain + West Loop Crossfit
Inspiration:  Ana Luangxaysana hating on burpees

Monday, March 23

For time, 10 rounds:

  • 5 hand-release push ups
  • 10 dumbbell swings
  • 10 dumbbell push press (5 each side)
  • 15 air squats

Cash out, 5 rounds:

  • 10 m handstand walk
  • 5 pull ups

Equipment: Single dumbbell, pull up bar (whee!)
Source: Modification from South Loop Crossfit 

Sunday, March 22

For time, 5 Rounds 

  • 20 DB Hang Snatches
  • 25 DB Goblet Squats
  • 30 Sit-ups

Tabata (8 rounds of :20 on, :10 off) core cash out

  • Hollow Rocks
  • Glute Bridges
  • Super Mans
  • Flutter Kicks

Equipment: Single dumbbell
Source: Modification of West Loop Crossfit + Comptrain Home
Inspiration: Still excited that mail-order dumbbells arrived earlier than expected

Saturday, March 21

5 rounds:

Mel variation:

  • 1 min single arm dumbbell thrusters
  • 1 min single arm dumbbell clean and jerks
  • 1 min lateral jumps over dumbbell
  • 1 min single arm hang dumbbell snatches
  • 1 min burpees w/ push-up
  • 1 min rest

Eric variation: (no squats, no jumping)

  • 1 min single arm dumbbell push press
  • 1 min single arm dumbbell cleans
  • 1 min Bulgarian split squats
  • 1 min single arm dumbbell snatches
  • 1 min burpees w/ push-up
  • 1 min rest

Lex variation: (no press, no pull)

  • 1 min fast feet
  • 1 min Bulgarian split squats
  • 1 min single dumbbell deadlifts
  • 1 min jumping air squats
  • 1 min no push-up burpee
  • 1 min rest

Then, cash out with max effort plank

Equipment: Single dumbbell
Source: Modification of Comptrain Home
Inspiration: So excited that mail-order dumbbells arrived earlier than expected

Friday, March 20

8 rounds:

  • :45 seconds fast run
  • 1:15 jog
  • 1:00 walk

Then, for time:

10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6…….1 reps of

  • Burpee with strict push up
  • Russian twists
  • jumping squats

Equipment: Somewhere to run outside
Source: Street Parking Endurance + West Loop Crossfit

Thursday, March 19

Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes: Alternate between :40 sec hand stand hold and :40 sec hollow rocks

20 min AMRAP:

  • 10 burpees
  • 15 air squats
  • 20 sit ups

Cashout: Tabata double unders (:20 on, :10 off, for 8 rounds)

Source: West Loop Crossfit 
Equipment used: Jump rope, open wall for hand stands

Wednesday, March 18

For Time

  • 50 Air Squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 40 Sit-Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 30 Lunges (alternating legs)
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Jumping Squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 meter hand stand walk
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Jumping Squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 30 Lunges (alternating legs)
  • 10 Burpees
  • 40 Sit-Ups
  • 10 Burpees
  • 50 Air Squats

Source: No equipment modification of “Fat Amy” workout.
Equipment used: Small strip of land to do handstand walks
Inspiration: Wendy Curry

Sunday, March 15

For time, 8 rounds:

  • 50 double unders
  • Run 100 m
  • 25 walking lunges
  • Run 100 m
  • 15 push ups
  • Run 100 m
  • 25 air squats
  • Run 100 m

Equipment used: Park for running, jump rope, yoga mat (jump rope on your yoga mat to prevent the rope from shredding)
Inspiration: Sunshine

Friday, March 13

For time

  • 2 burpees
  • Run 400 m
  • 4 burpees
  • Run 400 m
  • …. go up by 2 burpees each time
  • 20 burpees
  • Run 400 m

Equipment used: Park for running
Source: A workout I did with Kaitlin Munn a long time ago

Thursday, March 12

AMRAP, 40 minutes: Run outside